Global Information System on Natural Hazards 危险货物安全积载证书全球自然灾险信息系统
Develop and make relevant information available on volunteering development through a global information system and regular information sharing. 将志愿者发展和相关信息置于全球信息系统中以供分享。
Global Micronutrient Deficiency Information System 全球微营养素缺乏症信息系统
Global Information and Early Warning System on Plant Genetic Resources 全球植物遗传资源信息和预警系统
Global information system on human resources 人力资源全球信息系统
FAO Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture 粮农组织全球粮农资料和预警系统
The satellite is the first one of the second pair of spy satellites, in Japan's plan of building a global information gathering system. 该卫星是日本计划建立的全球信息收集系统中的第二对侦察卫星的第一颗。
The WWW project merges the techniques of information retrieval and hypertext to make an easy but powerful global information system. WWW项目将信息获取和超文本这两项技术结合在一起,构建了一套既便捷又强大的全球信息系统。
Global Strategic Information System 全球策略信息系统的创建
The paper presents survey system composed of global position system and geography information system can measure firmly the position, depth of the city public conduit equipment and router, realized by serial communication between single chip microcomputer and PC. 阐述了利用全球定位系统GPS、地理信息系统GIS组成的测量系统对城市公益设施管道、路由的位置、深度的精确测量,并实现单片机与PC机串行通信。
With the development of science and technology, global positioning system, Geographical Information system, and remote sensing ( GPS, GIS and RS) have extensively applied to the dynamic monitoring of land use change. 随着科学技术的发展,3S(GPS,GIS和RS)技术已经广泛应用于土地利用动态监测中。
To improve the informationization of water environment supervision, this thesis proposes a system of water environment remote monitor and water quality data management which bases on embedded internet connecting technic and GIS ( Global Information System). 为了提高水环境监测和管理的信息化和自动化水平,本论文研究由嵌入式Internet接入技术和GIS实现远程水质监测和水质信息管理。
This paper gives general structure and main design method of global information system in computer integrated manufacture system ( CIMS) environment. 给出了CIMS环境中全局信息系统的总体结构与主要设计方案。
According to existing study condition of local collection project, the application of GIS ( Global Information system) in refuse collection and transportation project is described. 根据国内外对垃圾收运规划的研究现状,叙述了应用GIS于垃圾收运规划,将GIS与收运模型有机结合是实现对城市垃圾收运系统进行信息管理的基础和关键。
One important aspect in ITS is the vehicle navigation system which is found on global position system, geographic information system, database search system and GSM system. 而车辆组合导航系统是ITS应用研究的一个主要方面,是集定位系统、地理信息系统、数据库查询系统、数字蜂窝通讯技术等于一体的综合系统。
Considering current applications in CIMS, relational multidatabase system which has unique global schema is taken as the main part of global information system. 在综合考虑现有应用的基础上,提出了具有唯一全局模式的关系型多数据库系统作为全局信息系统的主体。
Structure design of global information system in CIMS CIMS环境中全局信息系统的总体结构与设计
The Jiangsu global sourcing information system has 4 organic components, i.e. the platform ( website), channels, management, and use of information, which are studied one by one. 江苏跨国采购信息系统有四个有机组成部分:信息平台(网站)、信息渠道、信息管理、信息利用,论文对这四部分逐一进行了研究。
Mainly introduced the global localization technology and the geographic information system technology, introduced the localization principle and the position error analysis; 主要介绍了全球定位技术和地理信息系统技术,介绍了定位原理和定位误差的分析;
Hundreds of Vessels can be managed by GVLIS, a Global Vessel Log Information System, which will be installed in the headquarters and on every ship. GVLIS船舶航行报告系统可以同时管理数百条全球航行的船舶。
Countermeasures of Global Information Grid System 全球信息栅格体系对抗
With the rapid development of Internet and Global Information System, the web application has entered into Enterprise Computing model which requires more complexity and activity. 随着Internet及全球信息网应用的快速发展,WEB应用正逐步走向企业级计算,其复杂性和动态性的要求更高。
Web Service based Global IP Address Information System in Incident Response 应急响应中基于Web服务的全球IP地址信息系统
Global Information System ( GIS) being used successfully in ITS is due to managing massive spatial geography data, reasonably organizing spatial data, and rapidly searching spatial objects. GIS技术在ITS中的成功应用在于对海量空间地理数据的管理,对空间数据的合理组织及快速的空间对象检索。
Along with the establishment of modern surveying and mapping system, which is characterized by technologies of remote sensing, global positioning system and geographical information system, the large scale topographic survey has an enormous changes in technical methods, product styles and applications. 随着以遥感(RS)、全球定位系统(GPS)和地理信息系统(GIS)为代表的现代测绘技术体系的建立,大比例尺地形测量从技术手段和产品形式及其应用上均发生了巨大的变化。
Integrating credit management, commodity specialist and illation of commodity chains into the global sourcing information system can provide a certain level of decision-making for the global sourcing operators. 将信用管理、商品专家、商品推理集成到跨国采购信息系统,能够为跨国采购者提供一定程度的决策支持。
And embedded vehicle navigation system used embedded operating system as its platform, combing Global Positioning System and Geographic Information System. The embedded vehicle navigation system is a hybrid system of software and hardware. 嵌入式车载导航系统是以嵌入式操作系统为平台,全球定位系统与地理信息系统相结合的一个软硬件混合的系统,是移动用户导航、定位、地图查询和空间数据管理的一种理想解决方案。
With the rapid development of data collection and storage technology, especially the popular use of the World Wide Web as a global information system, lots of application fields nowadays are deluged with data. 近年来,随着数据采集和存储技术的飞速发展,尤其是互联网的广泛应用,很多领域都积累了大量的数据。
Internet is becoming one of the most important infrastructures in the global information system. 以Internet为代表的计算机通信网络正在成为全球信息系统越来越重要的基础设施。
A lot of work done using real operating system as platform, collects kernel information by API, but they can not collect global information for operating system is an entireness. 有些以真实操作系统为平台的研究工作,多以API编程方式获取内核信息,信息提取不够全面,破坏了操作系统的整体性。